Most companies tend to over-engineer employee recognition, believing it takes a corporate movement to motivate and reward employees for jobs well done.
Once they start the initiative, executives get to feel good about their culture; directors and managers get to feel good about themselves. In some companies, leaders even recognize each other for recognizing subordinates, rewarding themselves for navigating through the carefully designed steps in the "Fairness And Kindness to Employees" (FAKE) Process.
Look at this from the employee's chair to get the best perspective:
"All that recognition you so happily, so consistently, imposed upon my colleagues and me felt 'canned,' even forced. It didn't really mean a lot, because I don't think you meant it."
How about company execs creating a culture of respect by allowing leaders to bestow that respect in their own personal styles? They do have strong personal styles. That's why you hired or promoted them, right?
Don't make leaders read from a script, let them write the script.
Mark Twain once said, "I could live two months on a good compliment." I use that quote often when helping businesses understand how to motivate and engage employees.
If you're an employee, be bold about showing your bosses how your personal skills and style make you different and give value back to the organization.
If you're a leader, remember that a sincere compliment might just be the best motivator you have.
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